Welcome to the Bishop's Gospel Teachings (www.bishopsgospelteachings.com) website. These are the gospel teachings of Bishop Benson Cartwright based on the King James-version of the Holy Bible. Through God’s revelations and my experiences as Minister and Bishop we want to give you the true understanding about the spiritual benefits that He is giving us. God wants to take you back to the basics and give you that old-time religion. He wants to give the Word to you the way it should be (with fire and brimstone) because He is the Holy Ghost and a mighty burning fire.
Many errors about God are due to the fact that He is Spirit and man tends to think and act with the flesh in mind first. Read “Matthew 9: 14-17.” God wants to be known and understood as He is. In other words, “I Am.” He is all power, all knowledge, and all understanding. In other words, God is Lord of all. God is Truth. He does what He says and fulfills all that He promises. God is true love and much more than what we can appreciate even now.
In no way, shape, or form am I trying to change the Bible. God needs no affirmation or validation but I glorify His Righteousness in these teachings anyway. Read “Revelation 22: 18-19.” Anything that our Lord gives us the devil tries to take away and will succeed if you let him. For our salvation, God gives us of His Spirit which is true life. The devil tries to take the spiritual blessings that God gives and make them seem like a carnal experience. If you are not careful then he will have you listening to the flesh instead of the Holy Ghost. This fact has been man's problem from the very beginning and continues to this day. Read “John 4: 21-24.”
There may be no particular order or schedule for anything presented on this website. Generally, I will act either as the Spirit moves me or as I may have something to share. From time to time, lessons may be revisited to show even better their Spiritual significance. Some teachings will blend with others. They should because they are one. These teachings can never be completed because God is forever.
Will God answer everyone's questions? The answer is, ‘No.’ Will He help everyone? Again, the answer is, ‘No.’ There are some people you simply cannot satisfy no matter how hard you try. For example, just look at the works of Jesus Christ. He preached God’s Word, brought salvation to all, walked on water, fed thousands, restored sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf, made the dumb speak, cleansed the lepers, made the lame walk, raised the dead, did not kill anyone, did not rob anyone, did not rape anyone, did not lie to anyone, did not hate anyone, forgave us for the wrongs that we had committed, is deeply compassionate, showed great mercy, and I could go on.
Jesus loves everybody, perfectly. Still, at the end, look at how the world treated him. Read “Matthew 27: 11-25.” Know this - Thugs and hoodlums did not crucify Jesus. Self-professed children of God did. Nothing God does satisfies the flesh and is why in the Book of Revelation that he is referred to as the bottomless pit. Still, Jesus died for the sins of the whole world. He suffered their intense hatred in order to give them His true love. To this day, He keeps the world. He has to because there is no one else.
Why did Jesus not heal everyone? Jesus did not come to heal everybody's flesh. Jesus came to save souls which is the greatest healing of all. Read “Matthew 15: 24.” The flesh cannot be saved but the spirit can. The flesh cannot be saved because it will neither obey the Word of God nor do His Will. From the very beginning it has been this way. No one can serve God with the flesh. If you follow the flesh then you will die not only the carnal but the spiritual death which is the worst fate of all. Read “Roman 8: 1-9.”
The miracles that Jesus performed got the people's attention which was His intention. He came doing works that no other man had done. His works alone proved that He is the Son of God and exposed the devil. Once He got the people's attention then He could feed them the one thing that was more important than anything else, the Word of God. Read “John 6: 25-27.” The Word of God is more important than the miracles which are marvelous works to this day.
The Bible is like a puzzle. You have to know how to put the pieces together to get the real picture. The Bible is like a map. You have to know how to follow it to get to where you need to go. There are plenty of people on the right road but going the wrong way. If you are going the wrong way then you will end up in the wrong place. Read “Matthew 24: 1-15.”
I am going to speak the truth in Christ. God is love, eternal love. If you cannot see this then it is because you do not know Him. Get into His Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. Read “Romans 13: 14.” How does one get in God’s Spirit? You do so by hearing and obeying His every Word.
God does not answer to us but we do answer to Him. We did not create God but He did create us. God does not ask, beg, or plead. God commands. Read “John 15: 14-17.” He told Mary that she was to have the baby Jesus. He told Jesus to leave Heaven, come down here into the hell that we had created, and save us from ourselves. After knocking the hell out of Saul of Tarsus, He told him to go into the city and it would be told to him what he must do there. He told Ananias to get up from his bed and pray for Saul. He told Philip to join himself to the chariot of the Ethiopian eunuch. You have never heard of God asking anybody and you never will.
This website is for the enjoyment of our church members and anybody else that loves Christ’s appearing. For the same reason that Jesus came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, this website is for only those who want it.
I do what my Father commands me. Therefore, Heaven is my reward now. My peace I leave with you. Let not your heart be troubled. Neither, let it be afraid.